Some of the following techniques may be obvious, but others may not. Incorporate these NO cost strategies into your marketing efforts and you will see results:
1. Business Cards - Stash them everywhere: In your briefcase, padfolios, wallet, purse, notebook, pockets - I mean everywhere! You never know when an opportunity arises to give someone your card, or to put it up at a community location. I've been told far too often by new small business owners that they don't have cards with them - this is a terrible missed opportunity. Also, include a card with every piece of correspondence you send out. It says "pass me along."
2. Articles - To position yourself up as an expert in your field, set aside time and write articles (like these) that will get people's attention. Send them out on the web and be sure to send them to your local media outlets and publications.
3. Network - Pick up the phone and call five people every day that you think will be great resources for you. Call friends and ask if they know anyone who needs your product or service. Ask everyone, everywhere you go and make time to network once a week. I like Fridays, when people are more relaxed and open to a quick (and I mean QUICK) chat. Then, ask those people for more referrals and the list keeps going.
4. Book Reviews - Go to book sites and review books you've read within your industry and area of expertise. Get your name out there and be sure to include links to your email and website.
5. Public Speaking - This has been very successful for my business over the years. I've keynoted at workshops, conferences, and association meetings. Reach out to local groups such as the Chamber of Commerce or other similar organizations. The more people who know about you and your business, the more likely you will keep your prospect pipeline full.
6. In-store/office - If you are lucky enough to have an actual location use it to your marketing advantage. Invite speakers, have distributors give product demonstrations. Then serve tea or wine and cheese and invite your customers and prospects. Tell them to bring a friend. You'd be surprised how well this can work for you.
Bottom line, be creative & always be thinking of marketing -- after all, it IS the key to your business success.
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Randye Spina is Chief Solutions Officer of Affordable Marketing Solutions LLC, a small business marketing consultancy serving the needs of small and micro businesses nationwide.